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TECH–GLEBA senza alternative, Super Tech A.I.

(TECH–GLEBA without alternatives)




Un mondo come nella science-fiction.

Con l’avvento della intelligenza artificiale, l’uomo viene sostituito in molti settori dai robot, dai droni, dai cobot e dalle driverless cars, anche nei trasporti pubblici.


Dalla generazione dei “Baby Boomers”, ossia le persone nate tra il 1945 fino al 1964, hanno parte di un periodo di prosperità economico nei paesi occidentali, con stipendi sempre in crescendo e di risparmio. Con l’avvento delle tecnologie, di internet ed in ultimo dell’intelligenza artificiale (A.I.) viene sostituita molta manodopera e molti lavoratori. Anche nel settore medico e di chirurgia. Questo progetto è nato in collaborazione con lo scrittore, essayista e giornalista italiano Paolo Barnard nel 2017.


Ca 20 disegni a inchiostro su carta in
formati medio, 30 x 42 cm.




A world like in science fiction. With the advent of artificial intelligence, humans are being replaced in many sectors by robots, drones, cobots, and driverless cars, even in public transportation.


The generation of “Baby Boomers,” that is, people born between 1945 and 1964, experienced a period of economic prosperity in Western countries, with constantly increasing wages and savings. With the advent of technology, the internet, and finally, artificial intelligence (A.I.), much of the labor force is being replaced, and many workers are being displaced, even in the medical and surgical fields. This project was created in collaboration with the Italian writer, essayist, and journalist Paolo Barnard in 2017.


Approximately 20 ink drawings on paper in
medium formats, 30 x 42 cm.



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Naked Punch Magazine, London
Issue 21, 2020

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Naked Punch Magazine, London
Issue 20, 2016

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Naked Punch Magazine, London
Issue 5, 2008

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FT Financial Times –
Horizon Magazine 1999

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NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung –
Lebensart 2000

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NZZ Folio, Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Ein Fall von Nächstenhass, 2001

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ZAL – Homage to Fréderic Chopin.
Herdeg&Desponds, Zurich.
Dance Concert with the Swiss
choreographer and dancer Andrea Herdeg
and the pianist André Desponds.

Paintings and handwrited text:
Biagio Mastroianni, 2008.

Photos: Andreas Zihler©


Biagio Mastroianni, 2008
Oil Paintings on cardboard:
Dancing Farmers, 41 x 56 cm
George Sand, 56 x 41 cm
Handwrited textes, Ink on paper.


Feltbrook Ltd. London
Series of Postcards Illustrations


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"Food Cultures in a Big City"
Screen Print, 29 x 42 cm
Featured in the annual book 
and exhibition 'Illustrators 55',
Museum of American Illustration
at the Society of Illustrators,
New York, January 2013


Drawings Series in my Sketchbook
"Chess Players in a Futuristic City"


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